Install Antigen for ZSH

At the time of writing (March 2020), the version of ZSH Antigen included in Mint's apt was not up-to-date, here's how to install it directly.


Seems the version of zsh-antigen that's included in apt isn't up to date and can cause errors when opening a new session in Mint.

Remove Antigen installed via apt

If you've installed Antigen via apt, remove it:

sudo apt remove zsh-antigen

Download Antigen

  1. Create a directory:

    sudo mkdir /usr/share/zsh-antigen
  2. Download antigen.zsh directly:


  1. Edit .zshrc in your favorite text editor
    • Add the following near the top:

      source /usr/share/zsh-antigen/antigen.zsh
    • Near the bottom:

      antigen apply
    • Any antigen theme you want to install would go somewhere between those two lines... something like:

      source /usr/share/zsh-antigen/antigen.zsh
      # A bunch of other config stuff here
      # and maybe more stuff here
      antigen theme romkatv/powerlevel10k
      # That previous line is the theme I'm using
      antigen apply

Finish it

  1. Restart the CLI sessions (close and open the terminal)
  2. Follow the prompts (if any)