Docker Notes

Common Docker terms and commands used in the CLI.



  • Since docker requires elevated privileges, sudo is typically required when running these commands unless the current user has privileges.
  • These commands are run on the Host system.
  • Most commands support the --help flag and provide good documentation.


Think of it as the template, a Image include the instructions needed to create a Container. They are read-only (immutable), so can be easily shared, but can be additionally customized. Similar in concept to a Virtual Machine Snapshot.

There are public and private registries that contain Docker Images. DockerHub, for example, is a public registry maintained by Docker Inc.

To Command
List: docker image ls
Start: docker run {repository-name}
Build: docker build -f /path/to/a/Dockerfile .

Or, if running from directory that has the Dockerfile:

docker build -t {new-name} .


Think of it as the running instance of an Image, a Container is a runnable instance of a Docker Image.

Changes can be made while a Container is running but they won't persist, if needed, you can persist data by creating a named volume that is stored on the host If changes are needed to the Image (for example, to add a webserver), you can create a new image from a container.

Containers run in isolation by default, but containers on the same network can talk to each other with container networking

To Command
List: docker container ls
List Running: docker ps
Start: docker run {container-id}
Stop: docker stop {container-id}
Delete: docker rm {container-id}
Copy a File: docker cp [OPTIONS] {container-id}:{src-path} {dest-path}
Run Command in Container: docker exec [OPTIONS] {container-id} {command} [ARG...]
docker exec -ti pop_container sh -c "echo Hello World!"
Create new Image from Container's changes: docker commit {options} {container-id}


Contexts allow a single Docker CLI to manage multiple Docker nodes, Kubernetes clusters, etc.

To Command
List: docker context ls
Inspect Current: docker context inspect
Inspect Other: docker context inspect {context-name}
Create: docker context create
Delete: docker context rm {context-name}
Switch: docker context use {context-name}
Export: docker context export {context-name}

docker context export {context-name} --kubeconfig
Import (not for Kubernetes): docker context import {context-name} {filename}

Won't work for Kubernetes, instead, merge with existing ~/.kube/config file
Update: docker context update {context-name} {--flag} {"text"}
